As with their unique handcrafted teas with a twist, Paula and Randy Aitken, the owners of Casting Whimsy in Woodstock, Illinois, have successfully handcrafted being charitable with a twist to unite their business and customers in the Service of veterans in need.

United in Service with the United Relief Foundation since 2018, Paula and Randy exemplified how making a difference can be a family affair. As their business grew, they continued to find ways to engage their customers consistently in remembering, honoring, and helping veterans.

Efforts like knitting winter hats, scarves, and blankets to donating 100% of tips, a percentage of sales on special days, and rounding up, the Aitkens provide ways for their customers to do a good deed and make a difference.

“From the 5th-8th graders in New Hampshire to high schoolers in our home state Illinois and the individuals, small businesses, and large companies from coast to coast, every good deed has helped make a difference in the lives of the veterans the United Relief Foundation serves,” states United Relief Foundation board member Maria Page. “The Aitkens and their customers’ good deeds will support United Relief Foundation’s Women Are Veterans Too campaign to help make a difference in the lives of women veterans.”

In addition to being the fastest-growing group in the veteran population, women veterans are also the fastest-growing group in the homeless population and four times more likely to become homeless than their male peers. Women veterans, in general, face significant economic and housing challenges, and those who are single mothers are particularly vulnerable.

“In 2019, I presented Paula with a United Relief Foundation Spirit of Giving Award, and five years later, it is again with much appreciation that Maria and I recognize Paula, Randy, and their customers for their unwavering support to be united in the service of our veterans in need,” commented United Relief Foundation founder and president Frank Salato.

A charming free-standing store at 203 North Madison Street in Woodstock, Illinois, Casting Whimsy is the passion project of the husband-and-wife team of Paula and Randy Aitken, serving delightful pasties and tasty food items and is steeped in unique handcrafted teas and good deeds for veterans in need.

Learn more about Women Are Veterans Too

Photo: (l-r) Casting Whimsy owners Randy and Paula Aitkens, United Relief Foundation president Frank Salato, and board member Maria Page.

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